Lockdown weight gain and the latest fitness challenge helping me get back on track

I hope you weren’t eating when you came across this post. It’s not the best picture. I share it, though, because for as long as I can remember, I’ve been embarrassed by my body. I no longer am because I know how much hard work has gone into getting to this point.

This photo was taken today, as part of a ‘weigh-in’ ahead of my starting a new fitness challenge on Monday. More on that in a moment.

The challenge has come at a good time. Lockdown was tough for most, if not all, of us, albeit in very different, unique ways. I knew I would need to stay physically active, for my mental health if nothing else.

I kept up with the workouts and they did tide me over. By the end of June though, the novelty had definitely started to wear off.

Even managed some fun virtual Bobalus workouts with family!

The bigger problem, though, was food. Too much food. Too much bad food. Too much additional time to eat bad food. Too little active thinking about healthy eating. I was working out but it wasn’t enough to offset the terrible nutrition.

Something changed in June. I felt a bit like I’d woken up from my nutrition lull. I started to log my intake again which, in itself, forced me to actively make better choices. I didn’t always get it right and fell off the wagon many a time.

Since the gym reopened a couple of weeks ago, the nutrition has, mostly, been on point. However, there’s no way it would rebalance the unhealthy dietary choices I’d made during lockdown and so the thought of being weighed today ahead of the F45 Challenge 28 starting on Monday was a little daunting!

“Oh Lord, this is going to be horrendous.”

“You’ll have put on 20 stone.”

“You’ve been working out though so maybe it’s only 10 stone.”

I’m sure you’ve been through that mental processing too!

Anyway, the ‘weigh-in’ process involves a body fat and muscular scan. I was (pleasantly) surprised with the results.

My Tanita Pro Body Composition Analyzer results

I’ve put on 2.9kg (just under 6.5lbs) since 21 March 2020. Body fat up by 0.7%. Not too bad, especially considering that 2.9kg includes a 1.2kg gain in muscle mass. I’m also still 4.4kg (just under 10lbs) down on my weight in January. I suspect if I’d had this scan a month ago, the reading would have been much worse.

On Monday, the 45-day F45 Challenge 28 begins. Regular high intensity workouts but, more importantly, a real focus on nutrition, reducing “empty calories”, hitting my macros and continuing on, hopefully, a positive road!

I’ll be posting about the Challenge regularly on my Instagram so check it out.

Published by njfitnessjourney

A man on a fitness mission!

2 thoughts on “Lockdown weight gain and the latest fitness challenge helping me get back on track

  1. Great content! Good to see you on your way to your health goals! We have articles over information that can help you increase your results!
    -The Team at DyeHard


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